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To create a macro, click the Create button in the required list.
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Then do as follows:

  1. Enter the name of the macro (1).
  2. Select the macro working mode (2):

    ModeEvent-driven Cyclic

    Manual execution only (see Working with Dialog Board, Macros control)

    Disabled, manual execution is possible (see Macros control

    AlwaysAlways on

    Always on

    Time schedule

    Runs within the selected time schedule (see Creating schedules). Manual execution is possible at any time

    Runs within the specified time schedule


    When creating a macro, the Always mode is used by default.

  3. If you need to add a macro to the control menu on the layout (see Macros control), set the corresponding checkbox (3).

  4. To configure event-driven macros, click the button and select one or more trigger events (4, see Configuring filters for event-driven macros). If the event filter is left blank, the macro can be executed only manually.


    To delete an event from the filter, click the button.

  5. Add one or more actions to the macro (5, see Settings specific to actions). Click the button to do this. To delete an action, click the button.


    The macro can be executed for a group of cameras (see Creating a system of groups and subgroups).


    To hide the start conditions and action for the macro, click the action name.

  6. A cyclic macro can be launched automaticallyat a specified time interval, or at a random moment within the specified time interval. To configure this action, do as follows:

    1. In the Heartbeat Interval field, specify the time interval in the HH:MM:SS format (1). For example, if you set the interval to 8 hours and leave the Random checkbox clear (see 6b), the macro will be launched every 8 hours strictly. The macro will be launched according to cycle settings even if the actions from its previous launch are not completed. In this case, several instances of the same macro will be executed simultaneously.
    2. Set the Random checkbox (2), if you need to launch the macro at a random moment set by the Heartbeat interval parameter. For example, if the interval is set to 8 hours, then once every 8 hours at a random moment, the macro will be launched.


      If the macro working mode is linked to a time schedule, and the launch time falls out of the schedule, the macro will not be launched.  

  7. To save the macro, click the Apply button.


    By default, the created macros are available only to the users from the admin group (see Creating and configuring roles).

The created macros are displayed in the list. If the Never mode is selected for the macro, it is grayed out.
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You can copy macros. To do it, do the following:
