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Color of video camera iconDescription
Fully supported device
Manual configuration required
Axxon Next C-Werk compatibility not guaranteed


  • manufacturer and model,


    You can search by manufacturer and model of the device.

  • login and password, 
  • ID and object name, 


    An object identifier must contain: numbers, English characters and the "_" sign.

    In the Object Tree, added devices will be sorted by ID.

  • Select an archive and set the recording parameters (see Binding a camera to an archive).

The default recording mode is Motion. In this mode, a VMD tool (see Settings Specific to Video Motion Detection) and an automatic rule for writing to the specified archive are created for the camera you are adding (see Automatic Rules). By default, recording stops when an event detection is finished.


When creating a new device, the pre-alarm time interval for video footage recording is automatically set to 3 seconds.

In addition, three modes are available for adding a device to a configuration. These are described in the following table.


Device addition mode

1Add device with default settingsThe IP device is added to the configuration with the default settings (the default settings are determined by Axxon Next C-Werk itself). Adding a device in this mode will change the current settings of the device.

Add device with current settings

The IP device is added to the configuration with the current settings, as specified in the web interface.
3Add device with template settings

The IP device is added to the configuration with the settings that have been previously specified for a device of the same model in the configuration. Select a device of the same model (the "template device") in the list.

Only devices of the same model are shown in the list of search results for choosing the template device.

The following settings will be copied from the template device to the new, similar device: firmware, video stream settings, buffering settings, Other settings (see The Video Camera Object), and Other settings for Microphone and Speaker objects, if these are configured for the template device.

This mode is best when multiple cameras of the same model are in use at a site. If this is the case, we advise to:

Add and configure one device.

Add the remaining devices, copying settings from the "template device" as decsribed previously.


During a single configuration change, you can add a single device or all devices listed in the search results (other than devices for which compatibility is not guaranteed). To add one device, click the  button. To add all devices, click the Add all button.
If you set no individual access parameters while adding hardware, a dialog window appears for setting unified access parameters. 

Image Added


To remove a device from the search results, click the button.
